Three Steps to Install Your FORTIFIED Roof™

1) Find a FORTIFIED Evaluator - Without an Evaluator, you cannot get a FORTIFIED Roof.

  • Your Evaluator will make sure your home meets FORTIFIED Roof standards. Your home will be issued a Designation Certificate, and a unique ID number after the work is complete.
  • The Designation verifies your home, qualifying you to receive insurance discounts and tax credits.

2) Hire a Roofer- Get three written bids from three different roofers.

  • While any roofer can do the work (as long as they strictly follow the FORTIFIED Roof guidelines), FORTIFIED Roofers or Professionals are certified. They have gone through specialized training to understand how to install FORTIFIED roofs.
    1. Hiring Tips
      1. Get proof that roofers and contractors are licensed, bonded, and insured (general liability and workman's comp).
      2. Make sure roofers use the Roofer Checklist and include all of the requirements for the "FORTIFIED Roof Designation."

3) Enjoy Your New Roof and Save Money- Shop for your insurance.

Find a FORTIFIED Roofer

Search for qualified and FORTIFIED trained roofers in your area. Your house will win.

Find Your Roofer