Insurance Discounts - Many states offer insurance discounts for homes with a FORTIFIED Designation. Other states offer discounts for mitigation measures, which a FORTIFIED Roof may qualify you to receive. Learn what your state offers.

Reduced damage, smaller insurance deductibles, and fewer claims - A FORTIFIED Roof is tested and proven to be damaged less in storm conditions. Less risk of loss can mean lower deductibles and reduced likelihood of future claims or other recovery expenses. Talk to a certified insurance agent for more information.

Tax deductions - Many states offer tax deductions or credits for homes with a FORTIFIED Designation. Other states may provide credits for mitigation, which a FORTIFIED typically qualifies you to receive. Find out what your state offers. 

Grant programs and Loans - Find out if your area has a grant or loan program that can help you fund your new FORTIFIED Roof. 

A FORTIFIED Designation can increase your home's value up to 7%

- The University of Alabama Study - Estimating the Effect of FORTIFIED™ Home Construction on Home Resale Value


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