A study from three universities found that a FORTIFIED Home Designation can increase the value of a home by nearly 7%. 

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"In this study, we estimate the effect of IBHS FORTIFIED Home™ designation on home value in Mobile and Baldwin counties in Alabama. Results show that switching from a conventional construction standard to a Fortified designation increases the value of a home by nearly 7% holding all other variables constant.

Our findings suggests that building Fortified houses or retrofitting houses to meet Fortified standards is an economically sound investment. The additional cost of building or retrofitting is frequently is less than 7% of home value; therefore, the benefit of Fortified designation is very likely to outweigh cost."

Sebastain Awondo, PhD – University of Alabama
Harris Hollans, PhD – Auburn University
Lawrence Powell, PhD – University of Alabama
Chip Wade, PhD – University of Mississippi

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